Page 76 - English Grammar - 4
P. 76
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will write on four pieces of paper four diff erent forms of adverb as taught
in this lesson —— adverbs of manner, � me, place and frequency. The teacher will call the
students one by one and ask them to pick one piece of paper. The teacher will then ask
the student to think of four diff erent adverbs of that par� cular form, and will speak out
four sentences based on the chosen adverbs.
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Here are some adverbs that are commonly used.
Manner Time Place Frequency
anxiously yesterday everywhere frequently
bravely now here annually
calmly in eventually
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Learn With Fun
Fill in the blanks with adverbs to describe your and your friend’s ac� ons, and also paste
pictures of both.
This is me. This is my friend.
Adverbs I write ___________________. My friend writes ___________________.
I dance ___________________.
He/She runs ___________________.
I run ___________________. He/She dances ___________________.
I laugh ___________________. He/She laughs ___________________.