Page 75 - English Grammar - 4
P. 75

In the above sentences, the words never, always and some� mes tell us how o� en or
        how frequently the ac� ons take place. Hence, they are adverbs of frequency.

        The words  once,  usually,  rarely and  regularly are  some examples of  adverbs of


              We mostly use adverbs of frequency before the main verbs.
              When a verb is more than a word long, we use an adverb of frequency after the helping verb.

                                                   Practice Time 4

        Underline the adverbs of frequency in the following sentences.

             1.  Barking dogs seldom bite.

             2.  The girls always reach school on � me.

             3.  I never fi ght with my friends.
             4.  Sonia always eats salad in her meal.

             5.  My mother some� mes tells stories.

             6.  He o� en plays carrom with his brother.
             7.  You are never worried about me.

             8.  Tinku usually sings.

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          Activity Time

          Frame sentences using the following words as adjec� ves and adverbs.

                                Adjec� ve      :  _________________________________________
                                Adverb         :  _________________________________________

                                Adjec� ve      :  _________________________________________
                                Adverb         :  _________________________________________

                                Adjec� ve      :  _________________________________________                       Adverbs
                                Adverb         :  _________________________________________

                                Adjec� ve      :  _________________________________________
                                Adverb         :  _________________________________________

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