Page 68 - English Grammar - 3
P. 68

Activity Time                                                                    Logical Thinking

                  Work in pairs. One of you will fill in the ‘adjective’ column of the table. The

                  other will add -ly to these adjectives to form adverbs. After both of you are
                  done, cross-check each other’s work. One has been done for you.

                                    Adjective                                           Adverb

                                       sweet                                            sweetly

                                                                + -ly

                 Listening & Speaking Time

                  The teacher will go to each student and ask him/her to choose one from

                  three options: adverb of time, adverb of manner and adverb of place. After
                  the student selects an option, the teacher will begin by asking questions and

                  direct the student to answer it using a suitable adverb.

                  For example
              Adverbs  Teacher   :  When did you do the homework?

                                 :  I did it yesterday, Ma’am.


                                 :  It is late in the evening today, Ma’am. It is held daily.
                  Student        :  When is your music class?

                  Similarly, the teacher can do the exercise with other children.
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