Page 40 - English Grammar - 3
P. 40

18                                                               Pronouns

                Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

                    Match the word or groups of words given in the clouds to the correct word in
                    the box. One has been done for you.

                                                                                                 Me and my
                            My family                            Mary
                                                                                                brother Kevin

                         He He                She                  It                They                 We

                                                                                                     He and His
                          Udita               bag                 dog              Joseph               brother

                  Let’s Learn Pronouns

                A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun. The words I, he, she, it,

                you, we and they are pronouns.

                Look at the pictures and read.

                            Sahil is                                                                      Sahil is

                             angry.                                                                        angry.
                             Sahil                                                                       He wants
                            wants a                                                                      a new toy.

                           new toy.

                 In the above sentence, the noun                     In the above sentence, the pronoun

                 Sahil is used twice.                                He is used in place of the noun Sahil.
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