Page 36 - English Grammar - 3
P. 36

17                                            Asking Questions
                                                                             Asking Questions

                Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

                    Look at the pictures. Answer the questions by filling in the blanks. Choose the
                    words given below.

                              hurt          three        green        giraffe       morning         under

                     What is the colour of the leaf?        Why is  the  boy              How many squirrels

                     The colour of the leaf is              crying?                       are there?
                     ______                                 The boy is ______             There  are    ______

                                                             When does the sun            Where is cat hiding?

                     Who is taller? The ______ is            rise?
                     taller.                                 The sun rises in the         The cat  is hiding

                                                             ______                       ______ the car.

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