Page 380 - English Grammar - IX-X
P. 380

Problem-Solving (3 minutes)
               Task 3
               Task 3                                                  Problem-Solving (3 minutes)
              Section time  Procedure
              25 seconds    Examiner: Thank you. Now let’s go to the next task.
                            I have a problem that requires an urgent solution. I would like you to reflect
                            upon this and then discuss how you are going to solve the problem.
                            You have 2 minutes to do this. Here is the problem.
                             Problem-solving  card:  In  a  freak  accident,  one  of  your  classmates  has

                             fractured her leg. Her leg is in plaster for three weeks. She cannot come to
                             school now. The exams are approaching and are just a month away. Now, she
                             is worried as to how she will complete her syllabus and get all the practice
                             that the teacher is getting done in the class. She asks for your help, but you
                             cannot figure out how.
                            Ritika and Srishti study the problem (20 seconds), then the examiner asks
                            them to start speaking.
              2 minutes     Ritika and Srishti discuss the problem to find a possible solution.
              35 seconds    Examiner: OK, you can stop now please.
                            Option A (for candidates who have found a solution):

                            Thank you. (Move straight on to a question)
                            Option B (for candidates who have not reached a solution):
                            Can you agree on a solution? What is it?
                            Ritika and Srishti explain.
                            Then examiner asks 1–2 follow-up questions.
                            For example: Could you work out some solutions?
                            How would you be able to help your classmate despite your own work?

                            Examiner: Please stop there. That’s the end of the test.
                            Thank you and goodbye.

                                                                              Role Play (4 minutes)
               Task 4                                                         Role Play (4 minutes)
               Task 4
              You have gone for a job interview in a company that creates online test series for school
              children. This is your first job interview. You are sitting before the interviewer who is reading
              your resume and asking you questions. Imagine you are Sameera/Sameer.
              Participants        :  2 students
              Time of preparation :  10 minutes
              For performance     :  3–4 minutes

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