Page 375 - English Grammar - IX-X
P. 375

15 seconds    Examiner: Thank you, Sumit. Rajesh, can you please ask Sumit a question?
                        Rajesh asks a question.

                        Sumit responds.
          40 seconds    Examiner asks 2–3 follow-up questions.
                        For example: How did you get interested in this hobby?
                        Who else in your family has the same hobby?
                        Is it an expensive hobby?

                                                                   Problem-Solving (3 minutes)
           Task 3
           Task 3                                                  Problem-Solving (3 minutes)
          Section time  Procedure
          25 seconds    Examiner: Thank you. Now let’s go to the next task.
                        I am going to give you a card which contains information regarding a problem.
                        I would like you to read the information and then discuss together how you
                        are going to solve the problem.
                        You have 2 minutes to do this. Here is your problem.
                         Problem-solving  card:  Your  neighbours  have  not  been  keeping  the  nearby
                         area  of  your  colony  tidy.  Every  morning  there  is  litter  in  the  parking  area
                         and on the streets.
                        With  your  partner,  discuss  this  problem  and  decide  what  you  can  do  to
                        make your neighbourhood a cleaner place for everyone.
                        Rajesh and Sumit study the problem (20 seconds), then the examiner asks
                        them to start speaking.

          2 minutes     Rajesh and Sumit discuss the problem to find a solution.
          35 seconds    Examiner: OK, now you can stop discussing.
                        Option A (for candidates who have reached a solution):
                        Thank you. (Move straight on to follow-up questions)
                        Option B (for candidates who have not reached a solution):
                        Can you agree on a solution? What is it?
                        Rajesh and Sumit explain.
                        Then examiner asks 1–2 follow-up questions.
                        For  example:  Do  you  think  your  solution  will  be  effective  enough?  Why?/
                        Why not?
                        What role do you think you can play in this problem? Why?
                        That sounds interesting. Could you tell me more about it?
                        Examiner: Please stop there. That’s the end of the test.

                        Thank you and goodbye.
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