Page 150 - Maths Skills - 8
P. 150

148                                                                                                  Maths

                                              ASSESSMENT TIME

                                                                   3.  If the  two trains  are  moving  in the  same
                                                                      direction  on  parallel  tracks,  then  their  relative
        A. Multiple-Choice Questions                                  speed is _________ .

           1.  Two quantities p and q are said to be in inverse    4.  If pq = 10, then p and q vary _________ with
               Proportion, when                                       each other.
                     p                                             5.  If the work done by a person in 1 day is   1  , then
                (i)  q  is constant                                                                         12
                (ii)  p × q is constant                               the whole work can be done in _________ days.
               (iii)  (p + q) is constant                      C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements
               (iv)  (p – q) is constant
                                                                   1.  65 m/s is equal to 235 km/h.
           2.  Two quantities p and q are said to be in direct     2.  162 km/h is equivalent to 45 m/s.
               Proportion, when.
                (i)  (  p + q) is constant                         3.  162 km/h is equivalent to 45 m/s.

                (ii)  (  p – q) is constant                        4.  Distance = Speed × Time.
                     p                                             5.  More  men  will  take  more  time  to  finish  a
               (iii)  q  is constant
               (iv)  p × q is constant                                work.
           3.  In direct Proportion between two quantities, if           D. Case Study Based Questions
               one quantity is doubled, then the other is.       1.  A bus is running with a uniform speed of 55 km/hr.
                (i)  halved         (ii)  tripled                  Then,  by using the  above  data,  answers the

               (iii)  doubled      (iv)  none of these             questions given below:
           4.  If the speeds of two trains moving in opposite      (a)  How for will it travel in 25 minutes?
               directions  are  x and  y respectively, then their       (i)  15 km         (ii) 25 km
               relative speed is

                (i)  x – y          (ii)  x + y                        (iii)  23 km        (iv) 30 km
                     1    1              1    1                    (b)  Find the time required to cover a distance of
               (iii)  x   +   y    (iv)  x   –   y                      110 km.
           5.  If A can do a piece of work in y days, then the          (i)  1.5 hours     (ii) 2 hours
               work done in one day is                                 (iii)  2.5 hours    (iv) 130 minutes
                                            1            1
                (i)  y   (ii)   y     (iii)  y     (iv)  y 2       (c)  How for will it travel in 13 hours?
                                                                        (i)  750 km        (ii) 705 km
        B. Fill in the Blanks
                                                                       (iii)  605 km       (iv) 715 km
           1.  If the ratio involves more than two quantities in   2.  In our daily life, we come across some phrases
               a particular problem, then it is called ________        such as:
           2.  If an  increase/decrease  in  one  quantity  is       (i)  More  the  speed  of  train,  lesser  is  the  time
                                                                        taken to cover a given distance.
               followed by the proportionate decrease/increase
               in another quantity, then this relation is called      (ii)  The  efficiency  of  a  machine  decrease  with
               _________ proportion.                                    time.
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