Page 208 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 208

206                                                                                                  Maths

         SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS                                 5.  The electricity  bills (in rupees) of 12 houses
                                                                      of a certain  locality  for a month  are  given
        F. Solve the following word problems                          below:
           1.   The mean of 17 observations is 92. What is the        324,  700,  617,  400,  356,  570,  312,  630,  584,
               sum of all the observations?                           674, 754, 700
           2.  The mean marks of seven students are 55. The           Calculate  the mean, median and mode of the
               marks of 6 students are 52, 54, 55, 53, 56 and 54.     data.
               Find the marks of the seventh student.
           3.  The  mean  of  five  numbers  is  30.  If  one  more   6.  The weekly pocket expenses of 15 students of a
                                                                      class are given below:
               number is included, the mean still remains 30.
               Find the included number.                              62, 80, 111, 75, 84, 75, 60, 62, 100, 84, 62,
           4.  The marks obtained by 30 students of a class in        100,111, 84, 62
               an examination are given below:                          (i)  Calculate the range of this data.
               22, 17, 13, 26, 29, 11, 22,15, 24,21, 24,23, 21, 27,      (ii)  What  is the  average  weekly  expenditure
               29, 25,15, 18, 27, 19, 14, 21, 15, 29, 20, 12, 21,            of the class?
               10, 16, 20                                              (iii)  Calculate the mode and median.
               Find the arithmetic mean, mode and range of the

                                                INTEGRATED QUESTION

        G. Social Science Vs Maths
        The table given below shows average monthly rainfall of Mumbai and Lucknow.

             Months           Lucknow (inches)      Mumbai (inches)
             January                 0.6                   0.0
             February                0.8                   0.1

             March                   0.5                   0.1
             April                   0.6                   0.1
             May                     1.0                   1.8
             June                    2.8                   15.8

             July                    6.3                   23.4
             August                  6.7                   16.8
             September               3.9                   10.6
             October                 0.6                   3.3
             November                0.1                   0.4

             December                0.3                   0.1
            (a) Use the data to find the arithmetic mean of rainfall in Lucknow.
            (b) Use the data to find the arithmetic mean of rainfall in Mumbai.  A rain gauge is tool to measure the

            (c) Make a double bar graph to represent the data shown above.      amount of rain that has fallen over a
            (d) Use the data to find the mode of rainfall in Mumbai.            period of time.
            (e) Use the data to find the median of rainfall in Lucknow.
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