Page 211 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 211

Data Handling                                                                                          209

                                                    MIND MAP

                                                   Data Handling

                                          Measures of Central Tendency
                      “A measure of central tendency is the single value that attempts to describe
                      a set of data by identifying the central position within the set of data”.

                            Mean                                                          Mode
           “It is the number that shows the central                     “It is the observation that occurs most
           location of a group of observation”.                         number of times in a given data”.
                       Sum of all observations
           Mean =
                    Total number of observations

                                                            Range = Highest observation – Lowest observation

           Mean lies in between the greatest
           and smallest observation.

          “It is the middle most value of a given data”.

                           th                                               PRIMARY DATA
                     n+1 
          Median =    2    term                                           It is collected from
                                                                          primary source  and
          where, n (number of observations)         odd number              also called as raw data.

                       n  th  term +   n  +1  th  term
                                 2  
          Median =     2       2                                                  SECONDARY DATA

          where, n (number of observations)         even number                       It is collected from secondary
                                                                                      source like news, newspaper
                                                                                      T.V. etc.
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