Page 177 - Math Skill - 4
P. 177


              2.  Pictorial representation of data is called

                  (a)  pictograph                   (b)  bar graph                    (c)  histogram
              3.  A collection of information is called

                  (a)  frequency                    (b)  data                         (c)  range

          B. Fill in the blanks.
              1.  A pictograph has __________.
              2.  In tally marks, 6 can be represented as __________.
              3.  A collection of information is called __________.

             Word Stock
          Plot              Graph             Information      Data              Table             Draw


        Activity based on Data Handling

          Objective        :  To measure wrist size of students in a class and plot it graphically.
          Intent or Aim  :  5 different coloured paper strips, chart paper, fevicol, scale and pencil.

            1.  The teacher will divide the students in groups of 5 and give one strip to each student of the
            2.  One student of the group will put the paper strip around the wrist of all students in group
                and tear off the extra strip.
            3.  On a chart paper, the student will paste these paper strips along with names of the students
                as shown below.


                                   Name of students   Peehu  Akshat

                                          2     4     6   Shantanu    12    14   16    18
                                                          Length in cm
            4.  Now, the student will measure the length of each paper strip using a scale.
           (a)  The length of the smallest strip is __________ cm.
           (b)  The longest strip is __________ cm long. It belongs to __________.
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