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                          Understand modeling (Rule-based &  Session: Modeling
                          Learning-based)                    l  Introduction to modeling and types of models (Rule-based &
                          Understand various evaluation    Session: Evaluation
                          techniques.                      Learners will understand about new terms

                                                             l  True Positive
                                                             l  False Positive
                                                             l  True Negative
                                                             l  False Negative
                          Challenge students to think about   Session: Deployment
                          how they can apply their knowledge   Recommended Case Study: Preventable Blindness.
                          of deployment in future AI projects   Activity: Implementation of AI project cycle to develop an AI Model
                          and encourage them to continue   for Personalized Education.
                          exploring different deployment
                          To understand and reflect on the   Session: Ethics
                          ethical issues around AI.        Video Session: Discussing about AI Ethics
                                                           Recommended Activity: Ethics Awareness
                                                             l  Students play the role  of  major stakeholders, and  they have to
                                                              decide what is ethical and what is not for a given scenario.
                                                             l  Students  to  explore  Moral  Machine(https://www.moralmachine.
                                                              net/ ) to understand more about the impact of ethical concerns
                          To gain awareness around AI bias   Session: AI Bias and AI Access
                          and AI access.                     l  Discussing about the possible bias in datacollection
                                                             l  Discussing about the implications of AI technology
                          To let the students analyse the   Recommended Activity: Balloon Debate
                          advantages and disadvantages of     l  Students divide in teams of 3 and 2 are given same theme. One
                          Artificial Intelligence.            team goes in affirmation to AI for their section while the other one
                                                              goes against it.
                                                             l  They have to come up with their points as to why AI is beneficial/
                                                              harmful for the society.

            Unit 2: Data Literacy:

                           l  Define data literacy and recognize  Session: Basics of Data Literracy
                            its importance                    l  Introduction to Data Literacy
                           l  Understand  how  data  literacy     l  Impact of data Literacy
                            enables informed decision-making
                            and critical thinking             l  How to become Data Literate?
                           l  Apply  the Data Literacy Process     l  What are data security and privacy? How are they related to AI?
             Basics         Framework to analyze and interpret    l  Best Practices for Cyber Security
             of data        data effectively                Recommended Activity: Impact of News Articles
             literracy     l  Differentiate between Data Privacy   Reference Videos:
                            and Security                      l
                           l  Identify potential  risks associated
                            with    data   breaches    and     l
                            unauthorized access.              l
                           l  Learn measures to  protect data   pdf
                            privacy and enhance data security
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