Page 7 - AI Arena - 9
P. 7

Project Work / Field Visit / Student Portfolio                                      15
              Part D   * relate it to Sustainable Development Goals
                                                                    Total                                  15
                                                              Grand Total          210                    100

                               DETAILED CURRICULUM / TOPICS FOR CLASS IX

            Part - A: Employability Skills

               S. No.  Units                                                                    Duration in Hours

                 1     Unit 1: Communication Skills-I                                                  10
                 2     Unit 2: Self-management Skills-I                                                10

                 3     Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills-I                       10
                 4     Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I                                                15

                 5     Unit 5: Green Skills-I                                                          05

                                                                                    Total              50
            NOTE: Detailed curriculum/topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills can be downloaded from CBSE website.
            Part - B: Subject Specific Skills

               l Unit 1: AI Reflection, Project Cycle and Ethics
               l Unit 2: Data Literacy

               l Unit 3: Math for AI (Statistics & Probability)
               l Unit 4: Introduction to Generative AI
               l Unit 5: Introduction to Python
            Unit 1: AI Reflection, Project Cycle and Ethics

                          To identify and appreciate Artificial
                          Intelligence  and  describe  its  Session: Introduction to AI and setting up the context of the curriculum
                          applications in daily life.
                                                             l  Recommended Activity: Make a statement about lighting and LUIS
                                                              will interpret and adjust the house accordingly
                          To recognize, engage and relate with  Recommended Activity: The AI Game
             AI Reflection  the three realms of  AI:  , Computer     l  Learners to participate in three games based on different AI domains.
                          Vision,  Data  Statistics  and  Natural    Ø  Game 1: Rock, Paper and Scissors (based on data)
                          Language Processing.
                                                               Ø  Game 2: Semantris (based on Natural Language Processing - NLP)
                                                               Ø  Game 3: Quick Draw (based on Computer Vision - CV)
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