Page 6 - AI Arena - 9
P. 6
CBSE AI Curriculum for Class - 9riculum for Class - 9
UNIT WISE DISTRIBUTION Total Marks: 100 (Theory 50 + Practical 50)
Number of Hours Maximum Marks
for Theory and Practical for Theory and Practical
Employability Skills
Unit 1: Communication Skills-I 10 2
Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-I 10 2
Part A
Unit 3: ICT Skills-I 10 2
Unit 4: Entrepreneurial Skills-I 15 2
Unit 5: Green Skills-I 05 2
Total 50 10
Subject Specific Skills Theory Practical
Unit 1: AI Reflection, Project Cycle and Ethics 30 25 10
Unit 2: Data Literacy 22 28 10
Part B
Unit 3: Math for AI (Statistics & Probability) 12 13 07
Unit 4: Introduction to Generative AI 08 12 05
Unit 5: Introduction to Python 01 09 08
Total 160 40
Practical Work
Unit 5: Introduction to Python 15
Practical File (Minimum 15 Programs)
Practical Examination
• Simple programs using input and output function
Part C
• Variables, Arithmetic Operators, Expressions, Data Types 15
• Flow of control and conditions
• Lists
* Any 3 programs based on the above topics
Viva-Voce 05
Total 35