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                         Understand the concept of Probability  Session: Introduction to Probability
                         in real life and explore various types of     l  How to calculate the probability of an event
                         events.                              l  Types of events
                                                              l  understand the concept of Probability using a relatable example.
                                                              Exercise: Identify the type of event.
                         Application in various real life scenarios Session: Applications of Probability
                                                              l  Sports
                                                              l  Weather Forecast
                                                              l  Traffic Estimation
                                                              Exercise: Revision time
            Unit 4: Introduction to Generative AI:

             LEARNING OUTCOMES                     SESSION / ACTIVITY / PRACTICAL
             Students will be able to define Generative AI  Recommended Activity:
             & classify different kinds.             l  Activity: Guess the Real Image vs. the AI-generated image
             l  Students  will  be  able  to  explain  how  Session:
               Generative AI works and recognize how    l  Introduction to Generative AI
               it learns.                            l  Generative AI vs Conventional AI

                                                     l  Types of Generative AI
                                                     l  Examples of Generative AI

                                                     l  Benefits of using Generative AI
                                                     l  Limitations of using Generative AI
             l  Applying  Generative  AI  tools  to create  Recommended Activities:
               content.                              l  Hands-on Activity: GAN Paint
             l  Understanding the ethical considerations    l  Generative AI tools
               of using Generative AI.
                                                     l  Ethical considerations of using Generative AI
            Unit 5: Introduction to Python

             LEARNING OUTCOMES                     SESSION / ACTIVITY / PRACTICAL
             Learn basic  programming skills  through  Recommended Activity:
             gamified platforms.                     l  Introduction to programming using Online Gaming portals like Code Combat.

             Acquire introductory Python  programming  Session:
             skills in a very user-friendly format.    l  Introduction to Python language
                                                     l  Introducing python programming and its applications
                                                   Theory + Practical: Python Basics
                                                     l  Students  go  through  lessons  on  Python  Basics  (Variables,  Arithmetic
                                                      Operators, Expressions, Comparison Operators, logical operators, Assignment
                                                      Operators, Data Types - integer, float, strings, type conversion, using print()
                                                      and input() functions)
                                                     l  Students will try some simple problem-solving exercises on Python Compiler.

                                                   Practical: Flow of control and conditions
                                                     l  Students go through lessons on conditional and iterative statements (if, for
                                                      and while)
                                                     l  Students will try some basic problem-solving exercises using conditional and
                                                      iterative statements on Python Compiler.
                                                   Practical: Python Lists
                                                     l  Students go through lessons on Python Lists (Simple operations using list)
                                                     l  Students will try some basic problem-solving exercises using lists on Python
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