Page 18 - Ai Book - 8
P. 18

u   No  Emotions:   Artificial  intelligent  systems  are  not able to show emotions.  These  machines can work
                according to the instructions given by the user and do not have the ability to make any difference between
                right and wrong.

             u   Data Availability: The essential  requirement of  an artificial  intelligent machine  is  good  and  adequate
                amounts of data. Sometimes, collected data is inconsistent or of poor quality which is one of the biggest
                obstacles in the implementation of AI systems.
             u   Huge Cost: Smart technologies are used in developing AI systems due to the complexity of object components.
                Thus, these systems are so expensive.

             u   Give irrelevant Output: Machines can perform only those tasks which they are designed or programmed
                to do, anything out of that they tend to crash or give irrelevant outputs which could be a major backdrop.

             u   Potential for Misuse: Artificial intelligence is a neutral tool which can be used for anything. There is a great
                potential for misuse if it falls into the wrong hands.

             u   Dependability on Machines: AI-enabled systems make humans to depend on them. For example, voice
                assistants such as Siri and Alexa does many of our tasks on our instructions. This is actually making humans
                lazier, less creative and highly dependent on machines.
             u   Unemployment: This is also a major disadvantage of artificial intelligence. As we have learnt that AI-enabled
                system can replace human beings for many tasks, there is huge fear of unemployment for many people. For
                example, AI-powered self-driving cars can take away the jobs of drivers.


            As you read earlier, artificial intelligence, one of the booming technologies, refers to the simulation of human
            intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The field of artificial
            intelligence has three domains which are as follows:

                                                         Domains of Artificial

                                    Data Science              Computer                Language
                                       (Data)                  Vision                 Processing

            Data Science

            The soul of an artificial intelligence machine is data. As you
            know, a computer cannot perform any operation without
            giving a set of inputs in it. Similarly, no AI system can be
            developed or functional without adequate amounts of data.
            For example, Google Maps, a navigation app, can analyse
            the speed of traffic and recommend the best possible route
            from one location to another on the basis of data which is
            being entered by the user. The different types of data used
            in AI systems are sound, text, images and video etc.

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