Page 66 - Computer - 8
P. 66
CSS statements are used to specify rules for presentation and formatting of an HTML element.
The general syntax of a CSS rule is:
selector {property1: value; property2: value; …}
where, the selector identifies the element to which the rule applies, and
the property is the attribute of the element and a value is used to define a property.
For example, to display the text of all h1 headings in red and centred horizontally on the web page, you
could use the following CSS rule:
h1 {color: red; text-align: center}
CSS can be inserted in an HTML document in one of the following ways:
• Embedded (or Internal) CSS: An Embedded CSS is defined in the <head> section of an HTML
document using the <style> element.
• Inline CSS: An Inline CSS is defined inside the <body> section of an HTML document.
• External CSS: An External CSS is a separate document and is specified in the HTML document in
the <head> section.
Let us now learn how to create lists and insert images on a web page.
A List is made up of a number of related items written consecutively, such
as the names of students in a class or a shopping list. A list can be used on a
web page to display information in an easy-to-read and eye-catching format.
List Item Tag <li> … </li>
The List Item tag <li> is used to define each item of a list. It is a container tag and is closed by the
</li> tag.
Lab Activity 1 Experiential Learning
To create a simple list.
1. Open Notepad and create the HTML document as shown below.
<!DOCTYPE html> 2. Open the HTML document in Microsoft Edge.
<head> <title> Machine Learning </title>
<h2> Types of Machine Learning </h2>
<p> Machine Learning approaches can be
classified as follows: </p>
<li> Supervised Learning </li>
<li> Unsupervised Learning </li>
<li> Semi-supervised Learning </li>
<li> Reinforcement Learning </li>