Page 51 - Computer - 8
P. 51
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. A _________ is a software that enables you to create a database and add, modify, and delete
data in it.
2. By default, Access sorts records on the basis of _________ field.
3. Access allows you to _________ records in a table that meet a specified criteria.
4. You can set the Primary key and various properties for the fields in the _________ view.
5. A key symbol in the Row selector indicates that the field is the table’s _________.
6. The New Values property is applicable only to _________ data type.
7. By default, Access assigns the _________ data type to each new field added to the table.
C. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
1. A database in Access 2019 can contain one or more tables. _______
2. You can enter data in a table in Design view. _______
3. A Relational database stores data in the forms of tables. _______
4. To remove sorting from records, click Remove Sort, in the Table tools field tab. _______
5. A table can only have one primary key. _______
6. You can not move a field to a new location in Design view. _______
7. The Description column of the field can be left blank. _______
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a DBMS? Write four advantages of a DBMS.
2. Describe the various database objects available in Access 2019.
3. What is a data type? List the various data types available for a field in Access 2019.
4. Write the steps to insert a new field in an existing table in Access.
5. Describe the various parts of the Design view screen.
6. What is a Primary key? Write the steps to set a primary key for a table.
7. Describe any five field properties associated with different data types.
Mind Stretching
1. Sandhya wants to create a table in Access for storing contact details of her friends. She wants
to store the name, contact number, address, and date of birth of each friend. Suggest her the
suitable data types for different fields in the table. Logical Thinking
2. A school maintains the database of the teachers in a computer. The computer operator wants to
link the passport size photograph of each teacher linked to their respective names. Suggest the
data type the computer operator should use to do so. Critical Thinking
3. A fast food restaurant maintains the database of all its dishes for inventory purpose. The database
includes the fields – ArticleNum, DishName, Type, Flavour, Price, and Quantity. According to you,
which field should be chosen as the Primary key and why? Computational Skills