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The Design View screen consists of two parts

             •  Field Definition Grid                       •  Field Properties Pane

          Field Definition Grid

          The Field Definition Grid appears on the upper half of the Design view screen. It is used to specify the
          names, data types, and descriptions for various fields in a table. It consists of the following parts:

                Component                                              Description

                                    Used to select a field. A key symbol in the Row selector indicates the table’s
                Row Selector
                                    primary key.

                 Field Name         Used to specify the names for the fields in the table.
                 Data Type          Used to specify the data types for the fields.

                 Description        Used to specify an optional description for the field.

          Field Properties Pane
          The Field Properties Pane, in the lower half of the Design view screen, is used to set various field
          properties that control the appearance and behaviour of data added to the field.

          Some important and frequently used field properties:

              Property             Data Type                                   Description

                             Short text, Number,
           Field Size                                Lets you specify the maximum size for data stored in a field.

                                                     Lets you set whether the AutoNumber field increments with

           New Values        AutoNumber
                                                     each new value or uses random numbers.
                             Short text, Long text,
                             Number, Date/Time,      Lets you specify the way values in a field appear when it is
                             Currency, AutoNumber, displayed or printed.
                             Yes/No, Hyperlink

                                                     Lets you specify the number of decimal places to use when
           Decimal Places Number, Currency
                                                     displaying numbers.

           Input Mask        Short text, Date/Time Lets you specify the way data is entered in a field.

                                                     Lets you specify an alternative or more descriptive name for
           Caption           All data types
                                                     the field.

                             Short text, Long text,
                             Number, Date/Time,      Lets you assign the specified value automatically to a field
           Default Value
                             Currency, Yes/No,       when a new record is added.

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