Page 146 - Computer - 8
P. 146

3.  The option that controls how quickly the area painted with Healing Brush tool adapts to the

                  surrounding image is ______.
                  (a)  Diffusion           (b)  Aligned             (c)  Flow               (d)  Opacity

              4.  You cannot change the order, blending mode, or opacity of a ______.

                  (a)  Top layer           (b)  Recent-most layer  (c)  Background layer  (d)  New layer

              5.  The option in the Layer menu that lets you apply layer effects to a layer is ______.

                  (a)   Layer Effects      (b)  Layer Style         (c)  Effects            (d)  Layer Design

          B.  Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

              1.  A single selected layer is called the _________ layer.

              2.  _________ allows you to distort text into a variety of shapes such as arc or wave.

              3.  The _________ type tool lets you insert text in the vertical direction.

              4.  _________ refers to merging all visible layers into the background layer.
              5.  The _________ lists all layers, layer groups, and layer effects in an image.

          C.   Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.

              1.  Photoshop 2022 always creates a separate layer for text inserted in an image.              _______

              2.  The Clone Stamp tool is used to replace pixels in an image with pixels from
                  another part of the image.                                                                 _______

              3.  The Dodge tool creates an effect of moving a finger through wet paint.                     _______
              4.  A filter applied to an image cannot be removed.                                            _______

              5.  You can apply multiple effects to the layer at the same time.                              _______

          D.  Answer the following questions.
              1.  What are Retouching tools? Name four Retouching tools with their uses.

              2.  What are layers? Write the steps to apply Layer effects to a layer.

              3.  What is Warping text? How can you warp text in a Photoshop document.

              4.  What is a Filter? Write the steps to apply a filter using the Filter Gallery.

              5.  Differentiate between:
                  (a) Spot Healing Brush tool and Healing Brush tool

                  (b) Dodge tool and Burn tool

                  (c) Clone Stamp tool and Pattern Stamp tool

              6.  Write the steps to apply a gradient fill to an object.

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