Page 96 - Computer - 7
P. 96
Life Skills
Health Tip
Maintaining an incorrect posture while working on a computer leads to problems with the backbone and
midsection of the body. The Straight Arm Plank is an isometric core strengthening exercise and helps to improve
posture, prevent or reverse postural deficiencies, and tighten up the midsection.
1. Lie down on the floor with face downwards and get in a push up position
with your arms slightly wider than shoulder width.
2. Form a straight line with your body. Keep your legs straight but don’t
lock the knees. Keep your head in a line with your back.
3. Contract your abdominal muscles.
4. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds and then slowly lower the body to
the original positon.
Database Subject Enrichment
CSS was first introduced in 1994 by Hakon Wium Lie while working at CERN with computer scientist Tim
Berners-Lee. The motivation for making CSS was to provide a system to style the information which is being
presented on web pages through HTML, and to isolate the process of styling from that of content creation.
Compared to previous versions of CSS, CSS3 is separated up into many individual modules which is improving
both the functionality and the ease of working.
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is used in an HTML document to apply formatting to various
elements on a web page.
Each rule within CSS has two components: a selector and a declaration.
The Selector specifies the element to which you want to apply a style rule and is followed by a
The Declaration specifies the formatting rules for the selector. It consists of a property and its
value separated by a colon.
CSS can be applied in HTML documents in form of Embedded or Internal CSS, Inline CSS, and
External CSS.
An Embedded CSS is a part of an HTML document and is defined in the <head> section of the
document, using the <style> element.
An Inline CSS is defined in an HTML document inside the body section to specify formatting for
specific elements.
An External CSS is a separate document that contains the style rules for various elements.