Page 154 - Computer - 7
P. 154


          1.  The product of (1011)  and (11011)  in decimal       6.  An Internet service that informs you when a
               number system is                                         website of your interest has new content to
                    75                       297                        display is

                    105                      240                             Newsgroup
          2.  The HTML tag that displays a heading in the                    WebFeed

               smallest size is                                              Chat Room
                    <h1>                                                     Blog

                    <h6>                                           7.  The logical operator that returns the result

                    <h3>                                                True  if  any  one  expression  or  conditions

                    <h>                                                 evaluate to True is
                                                                             not                       and
          3.  A  virus  designed  to  avoid  detection  by

               antivirus software is                                         xor                       or
                    Polymorphic virus                              8.  Which type of AI system measures a variable

                    Boot Sector virus                                   in  a  range  from  0  to  1  and  chooses  the
                                                                        appropriate action to perform?
                    Stealth virus
                                                                             Machine Learning
                    Macro virus
                                                                             Expert System
          4.  The  Cascading  Style  Sheet  used  to  specify
               styles for elements inside the <body> section                 Fuzzy Logic System
               in an HTML document is                                        Rule-based System

                    Embedded CSS                                   9.  Which among the following is not a type of
                    Inline CSS                                          chart available in Excel 2019?
                    External CSS
                    Outer CSS
          5.  A  compact  chart  that  visualises  a  row  or
               column  of  data  and  is  contained  inside  a               Funnel

               single cell is                                      10.  Which  operator  in  Python  returns  the
                    XY chart                                            remainder  obtained  when  a  number  is

                    Radar chart                                         divided by another?
                                                                             //                        ??
                                                                             **                        %
                    Bar chart

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