Page 23 - Computer - 3
P. 23
Database Subject Enrichment
The Apollo Mission to the Moon depended on software, designed
by Hal Laning, to program the computers during the landing. He
was also instrumental in making the landing possible in spite of
warnings from the computers in the ship.
Hardware and software are the two components that combine to make a
computer system.
Hardware includes all parts of the computer that can be seen or touched.
Hardware devices are broadly categorised as Input devices, Output devices,
Processing devices, and Storage devices.
Software is the set of instructions or programs used to operate hardware
and help users execute specific tasks.
Software can be categorised as System software or Application software.
A. Tick [3] the correct option.
1. The parts of computer which we can see and touch are called ______.
Software Hardware Program Objects
2. A utility software helps the user to maintain the system ______.
poorly efficiently flexibly versatility
3. The output produced on the monitor is called ______.
record copy hard copy soft copy good copy
4. An example of application software is ______.
Windows 10 Linux
PowerPoint 2019 Antivirus software