Page 63 - English Grammar - 8
P. 63
Listening & Speaking Time
1. Listen to the narrative on the Batman which your teacher will read out to you. On
the basis of that narrative, fill in the following chart. One has been done for you.
Word with Tense Kind of Tense Frequency of occurrence in
the speech
Is flying present continuous one
(Refer to the `Listening and Speaking Text® given at the end of the book.)
2. The teacher will ask each student to imagine that he/she is a superhuman. The
teacher will ask each of them to speak out what good work he/she will do for the
betterment of the common people. They are also asked to use continuous form of
sentences in any of the three tenses: past, present or future.
obServatIonal SkIllS
Learn with Fun
Look at the pictures. Frame a sentence for each in the future continuous tense.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________ Continuous Tenses