Page 43 - English Grammar - 8
P. 43

Practice Time 2

        Underline the adjectives in these sentences and state whether they are attributive or predicative.
              1.  The green door opened slowly.                                               _______________

              2.  This stretch of water is dangerous.                                         _______________
              3.  John feels ill.                                                             _______________
              4.  A larger-than-normal-pay hike was awarded to the nurses.                    _______________
              5.  She is a beautiful lady.                                                    _______________

              6.  The window frame was brown.                                                 _______________
              7.  The blind man managed to cross the river.                                   _______________
              8.  The performance of our troupe was brilliant.                                _______________

          Let’s Learn Formation of Adjectives

        Adjectives can be formed from nouns, verbs, and other adjectives by making some changes.

             Noun          Adjective             Verb          Adjective         Adjective        Adjective

            absence          absent               tire         tiresome             white          whitish
              hope           hopeful             play           playful            correct        corrective

            expense        expensive              talk         talkative            comic          comical

            accident       accidental            help           helpful             right         righteous
              envy           envious             cease         ceaseless             red           reddish

        Adjectives are formed from nouns by adding suffixes.

                         Noun                           Suffix                          Adjective
                          boy                             -ish                            boyish
                         pink                             -ish                            pinkish

                         cheer                            -ful                           cheerful
                         doubt                            -ful                           doubtful

                          silk                            -en                              silken
                         gold                             -en                             golden

        Adjectives are formed from verbs by adding suffixes.

                          Verb                            Suffix                         Adjective
                          hope                             -less                          hopeless
                         enjoy                             -able                          enjoyable               Adjectives

                       approach                            -able                       approachable
                          help                              -ful                           helpful

                          care                              -ful                           careful
                          talk                             -ative                         talkative

                           act                              -ive                            active
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