Page 121 - English Grammar - 8
P. 121

In some sentences, the subject may come after the verb. These are mostly sentences that
        begin with the words, there and here. For example:
               There are countless mountains on the west coast.
               Here comes your bus.
            In the above sentences, are and comes are the verbs and countless mountains and your
            bus are the subjects respectively.

        In some sentences, the subject is not given. These are usually imperative sentences, where
        the subject you is implied, but not given. For example:
               (You) Sit at that place.

            Ask who or what before a verb and the answer you get is the subject of a sentence.

        Attribute of the Subject
        The subject is the most important word in a subject. It can be qualified by an adjective or
        another word that serves as an adjective. The word that qualifies the subject is called the
        attribute of the subject. For example:
               The naughty dog chewed up my slippers.
        In the above sentence, dog is the subject and the naughty is the attribute.
        The attribute of the subject can be an article, an adjective, a possessive noun or a possessive

                           Attribute                                           Sentence
         Article                                          The children play basketball.

         Adjective                                        Young children play basketball.
         Possessive noun                                  Neighbours’ children play basketball.

         Possessive adjective                             Their children play basketball.

        In the above sentences, all the highlighted attributes modify the subject children.


        The predicate of a sentence is the part that tells about the subject. It usually follows the              Structure of Sentences
        subject and tells us something about it. It contains a verb,  an object or a complement and
        other phrases. For example:
               Rohan has come back from the playground.
               I have never cooked before.
            In the above sentences, the highlighted groups of words are predicates.
        A predicate can be a single word—the verb. For example:
               Arjun smiled.
        A predicate can be a group of words made up of a main verb along with a helping verb. For

               Arjun is jumping.
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