Page 24 - English Grammar - 6
P. 24

By adding -ess to the masculine gender.

                        Masculine              Feminine                     Masculine             Feminine

                           author              authoress                        heir                heiress

                           baron               baroness                         host                hostess
                            tailor             tailoress                       priest              priestess

                            poet                poetess                      shepherd            shepherdess

                By changing the spelling of the feminine gender and adding -ess or -ss.

                        Masculine              Feminine                  Masculine             Feminine

                            actor               actress                     prince              princess
                          emperor              empress                      waiter              waitress
                            God                Goddess                      master              mistress
                         governor             governess                      tiger               tigress

                By changing the entire word.

                        Masculine              Feminine                   Masculine              Feminine

                            boar                  sow                      husband                  wife
                          bachelor              spinster                     monk                   nun
              Nouns: Gender, Number, and Case
                            buck                  doe                        hero                 heroine
                            bull                  cow                        king                  queen

                            cock                  hen                         lord                  lady
                             colt                 filly                     stallion                mare

                           gander                goose                     nephew                   niece
                           drone                  bee                          sir                madam

                           father               mother                        son                daughter
                             fox                 vixen                      wizard                  witch

                           drake                  duck                        ram               ewe (sheep)
                By changing the masculine gender in a compound word.

                    For People:

                        Masculine              Feminine                   Masculine              Feminine

                        washerman           washerwoman                 father-in-law         mother-in-law

                        grandfather          grandmother                brother-in-law         sister-in-law
                         grandson          granddaughter                  son-in-law         daughter-in-law

                          landlord             landlady                   stepfather            stepmother

                        postmaster           postmistress                  stepson             stepdaughter

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