Page 20 - English Grammar - 6
P. 20
Let’s Learn Abstract Nouns
Abstract nouns are names given to ideas or feelings that we cannot touch, feel, hear, taste
or smell. In other words, they are names of intangible things.
Abstract nouns can be formed from common nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
From common nouns:
Common Noun Abstract Noun Common Noun Abstract Noun
child childhood friend friendship
brother brotherhood member membership
mother motherhood king kingship
From verbs:
Verb Abstract Noun Verb Abstract Noun
obey obedience invent invention
grow growth punish punishment
please pleasure learn learning
From adjectives:
Adjective Abstract Noun Adjective Abstract Noun
kind kindness strong strength
dark darkness wide width
good goodness long length
Practice Time 4
Change the words given in brackets into abstract nouns. Remember to change the spellings
wherever required.
1. Helping others is the real _______________. (happy)
2. Most prisoners were sold into _______________. (slave)
3. _______________is man’s worst enemy. (Angry)
4. Great anger can be turned away with _______________. (Obey)
Nouns 6. King Solomon was known for his _______________. (Child)
_______________ is the first step to discipline.
_______________ is the best phase of one’s life.
8. My brother got a _______________to the top college. (scholar)
9. The boys stood up in _______________ . (excite)
10. The _______________of the girl astonished all. (brave)