Page 9 - English Grammar - 5
P. 9
Collective Nouns
A noun that is used for a collection of people or things is called a collective noun.
A collective noun refers to a group.
Read the following sentences.
The fox saw a bunch of grapes.
Our team won the match.
In the above sentences, bunch and team are collective nouns.
A collective noun can be singular or plural. However, it is generally used in a singular
form. Collective nouns are often uncountable. But some collective nouns are countable
and have their plural forms.
Read the following list of collective nouns.
an army of soldiers a convoy of trucks
an atlas of maps a fleet of ships
a bouquet of flowers a flock of sheep
a bunch of grapes a gaggle of geese
a brood of chickens a gang of theives
a grove of trees a herd of cows
a crew of sailors a litter of puppies/kittens
a forest of trees a muster of peacocks
a cloud of dust a murder of crows
a colony of rats a pack of wolves
a choir of singers a quiver of arrows
a class of students a shoal of fish Nouns
a set of compasses a squadron of aircraft
a clutch of eggs a swarm or hive of bees
a train of camels a troop of monkeys