Page 16 - English Grammar - 4
P. 16

Listening & Speaking Time

                  The teacher will write down a wide variety of singular words on a piece of paper. Then
                  he/she will call the students one by one and ask them to select a word from it. After the
                  student selects a word, he/she will tell the class its plural form and also its spelling in

                  simple sentences.
                  For Example:         Teacher           :   You have selected party as your word.

                                       Student           :   The plural of party is par� es. Its spelling is p-a-r-t-i-
                                                            e-s (The student will spell out the le� ers.)

                                                                                             I���������� L�������

                  Read aloud the given singular and plural nouns.

                          Singular                  Plural                 Singular                  Plural

                     Tax                      taxes                   Choice                   choices

                     Taxi                     taxis                   Party                    par� es
                     Diffi  culty               diffi  cul� es            Napkin                   napkins

              Singular and Plural Nouns

                                                                                              O������������ S�����
                  Learn With Fun

                  This is the picture of Raghav’s bedroom. Find any
                  four  things  singular  in  number and  four  things
                  plural in number. Write them in the space below.

                            Singular                                   Plural

                  1.  ______________          1.  ______________

                  2.  ______________          2.  ______________
                  3.  ______________          3.  ______________

                  4.  ______________          4.  ______________

   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21