Page 102 - English Grammar - 4
P. 102

Word                  Antonym                         Word                  Antonym

                   sour                    sweet                         bright                   dim

                   be� er                  worse                         broad                    narrow

                   bless                   curse                         busy                     idle

                   same                    diff erent                     careful                  careless

                   bold                    � mid                         certain                  doub� ul


                A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word, but has a diff erent

                spelling and diff erent meaning.

                Given below is a list of homophones. Learn them.

                       Word                                   Meaning

                       ant                                    a small insect

                       aunt                                   a sister of father or mother

                       berth                                  a seat

                       birth                                  the � me when a baby is born

                       blew                                   sent out air from your mouth

                       blue                                   a colour

                       check                                  to examine

                       cheque                                 a document used for payment

                                                              a drop of water
              Glossary       due                              payable

                                                              a male off spring

                                                              a star

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