Page 100 - English Grammar - 4
P. 100
Speaking Skills
A. Enact the conversa� on with your partner in the class.
Rohit : Good morning, Ma’am!
Teacher : Good morning, Rohit. Why are you late for class?
Rohit : I am late because I missed the bus.
Teacher : Why did you miss the bus?
Rohit : I missed the bus because I woke up late in the morning.
Teacher : Did you go to bed late last night?
Rohit : Yes Ma’am. I was watching television at night and went to bed late.
Teacher : If you go to bed late, you cannot wake up on � me for school.
Rohit : I am sorry, Ma’am. I will not be late again.
Teacher : Remember, early to bed and early to rise will make you healthy and
B. Enact the conversa� on with your partner in the class.
Father : Meera, what are you hiding in the bag?
Speaking Skills Father : Really? What is it?
: I can’t tell you. It is a surprise.
: You can see it for yourself.
: Oh! What a pre� y pot!
: It is a gi� for you.
: Yes, I did. I also painted the design on the pot.
Father : Did you make it yourself?
Father : It is a beau� ful gi� . Thank you!