Page 78 - English Grammar - 2
P. 78
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will call four students at a time to the front of the class. She/he will
ask them to suggest any action verb which they can enact in front of the class like
stand, walk, talk, run, etc. Once they select a verb, the teacher will ask them to
make sentence with the verb. For example, the first student will speak, “I walk.”
Then the second student will speak, “I and Adil walk.” Then the third student will
say, “I, Adil and Riya walk.” Then the fourth student will speak, “I, Adil, Riya and
John walk.” The teacher will tell the class to pay attention to the shift in the place
of the word and. Then the teacher will call one more student and ask him/her to
sit beside them. The fifth student will say, “Asma, Adil, Riya and John walk, but I
sit.” The teacher will repeat this activity with other students, too.
Reading Skills
Read the given words. These go together.
l aches and pains l pots and pans
l bread and butter l rise and shine
l dos and don’ts l ups and downs
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
Learn With Fun
Join the right pairs and write them using the conjunction and.
1. sun (a) saucer
Conjunctions 2. bread (b) moon
2. _______________________
1. _______________________
3. cup (c) butter
3. _______________________