Page 72 - English Grammar - 2
P. 72

4.  The mouse is jumping ___________ the bowl.

                       5.   The  boy  is  standing  ______________  the

                B.  Tick () the correct preposition in the following sentences.

                        1.   I found a ball in front of             / behind           the


                        2.  The keys are on               / under           the table.

                        3.   There are many boys playing on                    / in

                             the ground.

                        4.   Kapil keeps his books under                  / in         his


                        5.   The  parrot  is  flying  on             /  over           the


                                                                                              Observational Skills
                 Activity Time

                  Walk  around  your  house  and  observe  different  things  kept  at  different

                  places.  Write  five  sentences  using  the  prepositions  in,  on/under/over/
              Prepositions  For example: The sofa is in the living room.
                  behind/in front of. One has been done for you. Read them aloud in the class.

                         1.  _______________________________________________________

                         2.  _______________________________________________________

                         4.  _______________________________________________________
                         3.  _______________________________________________________

                         5.  _______________________________________________________

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