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P. 9
Once all the pages of the book are
finalised, they are given to the printer. At It is now the responsibility of the
the printing press, the pages are printed marketing department to capture the
on huge printing machines. The pages interest of the public even before the
are then folded in the correct order, product has been released in the market.
bound inside the covers, and trimmed They also make sure that the book gets
to size. The writer’s manuscript is now reviewed in newspapers and magazines.
a real book! Can you think of some other ways in
which people can be informed about
upcoming books?
We are all set
for the book
The finished books are delivered to
bookshops and libraries all over the
country and sometimes around the
world! The sales team works hard to
drive the book sales. At the end of
every season, a part of the money the
publisher earns from the sales of each
book goes to the author as royalty.
Fact File
Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize for
Literature in 1913 for 'Gitanjali' published in
London in 1912.