Page 43 - What Where Why - 6
P. 43


        Homographs are words that have the same spellings, but have different meanings or pronunciation.

        Here are some picture clues with their details. Write the homographs from the Help Box.

          1                                                        2

           A warrior’s weapon            The front of a             A television or radio        A heavy metal
                                          ship or boat                    presenter           attached with a ship

          3                                                       4

         To walk in a military        Third month of                  A body part          A leader of the people
                manner               English Calendar

                                                                    Fact File

                                                                   Tear (rhyme with ear) and tear (rhyme with air) are

                                                                         Help Box
               To make the            Residents of Poland
               object shiny                                               March, Anchor, Bow, Polish, Head

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