Page 126 - Grammar Glow - 8
P. 126

Homophones                     Meanings

             ring                           a circle
             wring                          to squeeze
             write                          to scribble
             rite                           a religious act

             story                          a tale
             storey                         floor of a house
             stationery                     writing materials
             stationary                     not moving

             soul                           spirit of a person
             sole                           underside of a shoe
             throne                         a special seat used by king or queen to sit on
             thrown                         third form of ‘throw’

             team                           a group of people formed for a purpose
             teem                           pour

             vein                           the blood vessel
             vain                           useless
             wait                           to stay when you are until something happens
             weight                         measurable load

             yoke                           a long piece or wood that is put on the shoulders of oxen
             yolk                           the round yellow part in the middle of an egg
             week                           a unit of time

             weak                           becoming pale
             weather                        climate
             whether                        if


          A proverb is a short saying that expresses a traditionally held truth or piece of advice, based on
          common sense or experience. Most proverbs are relevant even to date. They showcase the culture
          and beliefs of the place of their origin.
          Here is a list of some common proverbs.

             Proverbs                                   Meanings

             All that glitters is not gold.             Appearances can be deceptive.

                                                        There is a solution to everything even though there
             All’s well that ends well.
                                                        are doubts.

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