Page 125 - Grammar Glow - 8
P. 125

Homophones                     Meanings

             idle                           lazy

             idol                           a statue
             knight                         a soldier
             night                          a darkness
             loan                           to lend
             lone                           solitary

             main                           most important
             mane                           long hare on the neck of some animals such as lion
             made                           past form of ‘make’

             maid                           a female servant
             morning                        the early part of the day
             mourning                       sadness
             naughty                        mischievous
             knotty                         difficult

             none                           no one
             nun                            a woman devoted to religious life
             peak                           the highest point

             peek                           a glance
             patrol                         to go round
             petrol                         a mineral oil used for moving vehicles
             pair                           a set of two
             pare                           to cut

             pain                           suffering
             pane                           a sheet of glass
             pole                           post

             poll                           survey
             principal                      the head of a school
             principle                      rules of conduct
             poor                           not rich
             pour                           to make a liquid flow

             profit                         benefit
             prophet                        a person sent by God to teach the people
             program                        a computer application

             programme                      a list of successive items
             rain                           water from the sky
             reign                          the period during which a king, queen, etc., rule

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