Page 94 - Grammar Glow - 5
P. 94
B. Antonyms
Antonyms are words that convey the opposite meanings.
rich — poor happy — sad
Given below is a list of antonyms. Learn these.
Word Antonym Word Antonym
absent present dry wet
admit deny dull bright
always never easy difficult
ancient modern empty full
answer question enter exit
artificial natural export import
backward forward fat thin
bad good feeble strong
beginning ending freedom captivity
big small frequent seldom
blame praise guest host
blunt sharp harmful harmless
bold timid heavy light
borrow lend here there
bright dull in out
cheap expensive include exclude
come go inferior superior
conceal reveal interesting boring, dull
cruel kind internal external
cunning simple join separate
danger safety junior senior
dark light justice injustice
decrease increase landlord tenant
deep shallow laugh cry