Page 366 - English Grammar - IX-X
P. 366

Words                                       Meaning

             noticeable      easy to notice
             observance      the practice of obeying a law, celebrating a festival, or behaving according
                             to a particular custom
             observation     the  act  of  watching  somebody/something  carefully  for  a  period  of  time,
                             especially to learn something
             official        a person who is in a position of authority

             officious       too eager to tell people what to do

             old             having lived or existed for many years
             ancient         very old

             popular         liked or enjoyed by many people

             populous        having a large population
             soar            to fly high and with little effort

             sore            painful

             social          having to do with human society and the way it is organised
             sociable        comfortable and pleasant in social situations; friendly

             statue          an image made in stone or metal

             stature         the respect that a person has because of their ability and achievements

             voracious       eating or wanting large quantities of food
             vociferous      having loud and strongly expressed opinions

             Practice Questions

                Use the given words in the sentences.

                 1.  reddish                  2.  radish                   3.  stationary

                 4.  stationery               5.  principal                6.  principle

                 7.  course                   8.  coarse                   9.  compliment

                10.  complement             11.  quiet                   12.  quite

                13.  industrial             14.  industrious
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