Page 365 - English Grammar - IX-X
P. 365
Words Meaning
decease the death of a person
discrete separate and different from other things of the same type
discreet careful in what you say or do
economic having to do with money and the production of goods and services
economical using only a small amount
eminent standing above others in fame
imminent about to happen
elicit to draw or bring out
illicit not permitted by custom or law
esteem great respect
estimation a careful guess based on experience
exceed to go beyond a limit
accede to agree or consent
historical having to do with history
humane showing kindness or mercy
incredible very difficult to believe
incredulous not willing to believe something
infer to make a guess
imply to suggest something without saying directly
judicious showing good judgement
judicial connected with a court, a judge, or legal judgement
naturalise to make someone a citizen
nationalise to bring under government ownership or control
negligible so small or unimportant as to be of no account
negligent not showing proper concern
notable important