Page 144 - Physics - XI
P. 144

              1.  Clean and dry a round bottom fl ask.                                         C Final level

              2.  Make a small hole in the rubber cork and fi x the given                      A Initial level
                  glass capillary tube in it.                                                 B level falls up to B
              3.  Fill the round bottom fl ask completely with glycerine         Clamp              Capillary tube
                  so  that  no  air  bubbles  are  present  inside  the  fl ask.  stand
                  Fix the fl ask vertically in the clamp stand as shown                              Rubber cork
                  in Fig. 3.1.                                                                        Trough
              4.  Fix the rubber cork tightly in the mouth of the fl ask                               Hot water
                  so that about 10 to 15 cm of the glass capillary tube                               Glycerine
                  is outside the fl ask. Some glycerine will rise in the                               Round bottom fl ask
                  capillary tube. Mark the initial level of the glycerine
                  in the capillary tube as A.                               Fig. 3.1:  Expansion of glycerine

              5.  Now, place the fl ask containing the glycerine in the trough fi lled with hot water and hold the fl ask in
                  position with the help of the clamp stand as shown in Fig. 3.1.
              6.  Observe and record carefully what happens to the level of glycerine in the glass capillary tube after the
                  fl ask is immersed in hot water bath.


              1.  The level of the glycerine in the glass capillary tube falls fi rst. Carefully mark the level B up to which
                  the glycerine level falls.
              2.  After occupying the position B, the glycerine level will begin to rise and occupies a stationary position
                  C (level C is higher than the initial level A).

              1.  The level of glycerine falls initially on account of the expansion of the fl ask. Thus, fall in the level
                  of glycerine, i.e. A to B gives the expansion of the fl ask. Thus, when the fl ask expands, its volume
                  increases and hence some glycerine from the capillary tube falls back into the fl ask so that the level of
                  glycerine falls to position B.

              2.  After expansion of the fl ask, expansion of the glycerine takes place so that glycerine level in the
                  capillary tube occupies a position C. As the expansion of glycerine is more than the expansion of the
                  glass fl ask so the position C is higher than the initial level A.
              3.  So, in actual practice glycerine expands in real terms not from level A to level C, but from level B to
                  level C. Hence, BC gives the real expansion of the glycerine. We have
                          BC = AC + AB

                  or  Real expansion = Apparent expansion of liquid + Expansion of the vessel


              1.  The glass tube should have a narrow bore.
              2.  The glycerine should be fi lled completely in the fl ask so that it rises in the capillary tube.

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