Page 140 - Physics - XI
P. 140


                                                         ACTIVITY - 1

              To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax.

              Apparatus and Materials Required

                A hard glass test tube, a cork having two holes, a thermometer, wire gauze, a stirrer, burner, stand, wax,water,
             beaker, tripod stand, clamp stand, and stopwatch
              Principle/Theory                                                                           Thermometer

              There are three states of matter namely solid, liquid, and gas. While                          Cork
              heating a solid, it changes into liquid state and its temperature increases.
              The process of conversion of a solid into a liquid state is known as                           Test tube
              fusion  or  melting.  The  temperature  at  which  melting  takes  place  is
              called melting point. During the process of melting, the temperature
              of the solid-liquid remains constant till the whole of the solid changes                          Water
              into liquid. On cooling a liquid, it freezes to a solid state at the same                          Beaker
              temperature as its melting point.                                                                 Wax
              We can fi nd the melting point of wax by plotting a cooling curve.                                  Wire
              Procedure                                                                                         Burner

              1.  Note the least count and range of the thermometer.
              2.  Fill about two third of the test tube with the molten wax. Put a
                  thermometer  and  stirrer  in  it.  Pass  the  thermometer  and  stirrer
                  through  the  cork.  Check  that  thermometer  should  not  touch  the   Fig. 1.1:  Apparatus for cooling
                                                                                                  curve for molten wax

                  sides of the test tube.
              3.  Fix the test tube in a clamp stand and suspend it in water bath heated by a burner. Let the whole of wax
                  melt and its temperature is about 10°C above its melting point.

              4.  Now, turn off  the burner and allow the water and wax to cool. Go on stirring the molten wax and note
                  the temperature after every half minute. Keep on stirring as long as it is possible.
              5.  Continue cooling and record the temperature till whole of wax has solidifi ed.

              6.  Note all the observations in the observation table.

              Least count of the thermometer = ______ °C

              Range of the thermometer = ______ °C  to  ______ °C

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