Page 36 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 36

34                                                                                                  Maths

              Let’s Attempt

        Example 1:  Find the quotient: 72.0 ÷ 0.8.                                      Fact-o-meter
        Solution:      72.0  ÷ 0.8  = 720 ÷ 8
                       Shift the decimal point in both divisor and dividend by one   For  divisions  involving
                       place  to  the  right  and  fill  in  the  vacant  ones  place  in  the   decimal  numbers,  first
                       dividend by placing a 0 there. Now, perform the division.     count  the  number  of
                                                                                     decimal  places  in  the
                       8) 720 (90                                                     divisor.
                       Thus, 72 ÷ 0.8 = 90.

        Example 2:  Find the quotient: 122.32 ÷ 11.      Example 3:  Find the quotient: 4.096 ÷ 1.6.
        Solution:      11) 122.32 (11.12                 Solution:      4.096 ÷ 1.6 = 40.96 ÷ 16
                           – 11                                         The decimal point is moved by one place to the
                             12                                         right in the divisor and so in the dividend.
                              – 11
                                13                                      16) 40.96 (2.56
                                 – 11                                      – 32
                                  22                                         89
                               – 22                                          – 80
                                    0                                         96
                                                                               – 96
                       Thus, 122.32 ÷ 11 = 11.12.                                0

                                                                        Thus, 4.096 ÷ 1.6 = 2.56.

                                                    Exercise 2.4

          1.  Multiply.

             (i)  3.6 × 8            (ii)  6.65 × 1.6        (iii) 3.82 × 2.6        (iv) 165.2 × 1.2
             (v)  2.88 × 3.2         (vi)  3.65 × 2.4        (vii) 2.65 × 3.12      (viii) 7.65 × 7.1
            (ix)  2.862 × 0.1         (x)  31.76 × 2.8       (xi) 312 × 0.02        (xii) 718 × 1.002

          2.  Perform the following divisions.
             (i)  16.8 ÷ 4           (ii)  200.01 ÷ 3        (iii) 13.31 ÷ 11        (iv) 1.76 ÷ 16

             (v)  0.3666 ÷ 60        (vi)   500.25 ÷ 15      (vii) 0.056 ÷ 8        (viii) 0.588 ÷ 14
          3.  Write the products.

             (i)  7.12 × 10 = ___________                     (ii)  7.68 × 100 = ___________
            (iii)  0.0052 × 1000 = ___________                (iv)  7.1285 × 1000 = ___________

             (v)  2.8362 × 100 = ___________                  (vi)  0.7812 × 100 = ___________
          4.  Perform the following divisions.
             (i)  2.24 ÷ 1.6         (ii)  0.408 ÷ 0.17      (iii) 6.25 ÷ 2.5        (iv) 1.331 ÷ 0.11
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