Page 197 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 197
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1 Data Handlinga Handling
Learning Outcomes
In this chapter, you will learn about:
� Data � Arithmetic mean � Range � Median
� Mode of an ungrouped data � Bar graph � Double Bar Graph
Boot-Up (To Recapitulate Previous Knowledge of Concepts)
A. Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Representing data in the form of pictures is called _____________
(i) pictograph (ii) bar graph (iii) histogram (iv) none of these
2. The distance between the bars in a bar graph always _____________
(i) decreases (ii) remains same (equal)
(iii) increases (iv) keeps on changing
3. The number of times a particular observation is repeated in a data is/are called _____________
(i) class (ii) frequency (iii) tally marks (iv) none of these
4. The fifth tally mark is drawn _____________
(i) vertically (ii) horizontally (iii) diagonally (iv) all of these
B. Fill in the Blanks
1. A table showing the ________________ of a data is called frequency distribution table.
2. The data arranged in ascending or descending order is called ________________.
3. In a ________________ bar graph, y-axis is used for labelling.
4. The range in a data is the ________________ between the lowest and the highest value.
C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false Statements
1. In a bar graph, the width of bars are equal.
2. In a bar graph, the bars can be drawn vertically only.
3. A collection of numerical facts about a specific kind of information is data.
4. Raw data is first hand information.