Page 87 - Maths Skill - 6
P. 87

Lines and Angles                                                                                        85

        The word ‘Geometry’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘Geometron’ where ‘Geo’ means Earth and ‘metron’
        means measurement, i.e., measurement of Earth which was required by ancient civilization for various purposes.
        It was basically the need of geometrical ideas for art, architecture and other measurements. Our cultural heritage
        is full of umpteen examples of beautiful temples, tombs, palaces that show the use of geometry in construction.

        We are already familiar with some of the basic concepts of geometry such as points, lines, planes etc. Let’s
        recapitulate them with the help of the Table 6.1.

                                                          Table 6.1

                  Definition of Geometrical        Representation/           Figure                 Example
                           Concept                      Symbol

          1. Point: A point is a mark of position or  It is represented by      •A           The  tip  of  a  needle,
             location on a plane. It has no length,  any capital letter of   (read as point A)  pencil or compasses.
             no  breadth  and  no  height,  i.e.,  it  is  English alphabet.

          2. Line:  A  line  is  a  straight  path  that                                     A  stretched    string,  a
             extends indefinitely in both directions.                                B       crease in a paper.
             It has no end points. It has no definite                        A
             length. It is one- dimensional.              AB             (read as line AB)
                                                           or                   or
                                                         line l                       l

          3. Line segment:  A  line  segment  is  a                                  Q       Edge of a ruler, table or
             part of a line. It has two end points                                           blackboard.
             and its length can be measured. It is                          P
             also one-dimensional.                        PQ
                                                                       (read as line segment

          4. Ray: A  ray  is  a  part  of  a  line  that                   P                 Sun  rays,  a  beam  of
             begins  from  one  point  and  extends       →                                  light etc.
             indefinitely only in one direction.          PQ                       Q
                                                                         (read as ray PQ)
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