Page 195 - Math Skill - 5
P. 195

Pattern, Net and Symmetry                                                                              193

          B.  Fill in the Blanks
          Write the next two numbers in the following sequence.
              1.  3, 6, 10, 15, _______, _______             2.   8, 18, 28, 38, _______, _______

              3.  3, 5, 9, 15, _______, _______              4.   3, 5, 15, 25 _______, _______

             Word Stock
          Symmetry             Reflection            Rotation            Pattern         Observe           Shape


        Objective             :  To understand the rules of a magic square of 3 × 3.
        Materials Required :  A cardboard/chart paper, coloured paper, fevicol, sketch pens and a pair of
        Procedure             :     1.  Take a chart paper or cardboard of size 12 cm × 12 cm.
                                    2.  Paste a coloured paper on the cardboard.

                                    3.  Make a 3 × 3 square on it with sketch pen as shown in (Figure 1).
                                    4.  Choose any multiple of 3 as a constant. Let it be 21.

                                    5.  Put the number 21 ÷ 3, i.e., 7 called the central number in the middle cell C
                                        (Figure 2).
                                    6.  Add 1 to the central number and subtract 1 from the central number. Put
                                        these numbers in C  and C  respectively.
                                                            3       7
                                    7.  Add 2 to central number and subtract 2 from it. Put these numbers to the
                                        right (C ) and left (C ) of the central number.
                                    8.  Add 3 to the central number and subtract 3 from the central number. Put
                                        these numbers in C  and C .
                                                            1       9
                                    9.  Add 4 to the central number and subtract 4 from the central number. Put
                                        these numbers in C  and C  respectively.
                                  10.  Your magic square is ready. Verify it (Figure 3).

        Observation           :      A 3 × 3 square           Central number = C

                                                                C 1     C 2     C 3          10      3       8

                                                                C       C       C
                                                                  4       5      6            5      7       9

                                                                C       C       C
                                                                  7       8      9            6      11      4
                                        Figure 1                     Figure 2
                                                                                                  Figure 3
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