Page 151 - Math Skill - 2
P. 151

Measurement                                                                                            149

        Measuring Length

        We can measure the length of objects by using our body parts.

                  A handspan                 A cubit                A Footspan                A Pace

        We use a handspan, a cubit, a footspan and a pace to measure length.

        But, these units are not accurate because we all have different size of

        hands and feet.

        To  measure  length  correctly,  fixed                           Fact-o-meter
        units  are  used.  These  fixed  units  are                   Handspan,  cubit,  footspan  and

        called  standard  units.  Standard  units                     pace are called the non-standard
                                                                      units of length. These units vary
        like metre and centimetre are used to                         from person to person.
        measure length.


        Smaller lengths like lengths of pencil, toothbrush, etc. are measured in

        centimetres. In short, centimetre is written as cm.

             The length of pencil is about 11 cm.                 The length of tooth brush is about 14 cm.

                                                                                        Absorbing Facts
        We use a ruler to measure length in cm.
                                                                                     The ruler in our geometry
        It has centimetre marks on one side.                                         box is 15 cm long.

                  0   1     2     3     4     5      6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13     14    15
        Using Ruler to Measure the Length                     3              4              5              6
        To  measure  the  length  of  an  object,  put  one  end  of  the  object  to  be
        measured at ‘zero’ mark of the ruler. The marking at the other end gives
        the length of the object.
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