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2 2 Self-Management Skills–II
Self-Management Skills–II
u Types of Stress u Self-awareness
u Importance of Stress Management u Motivation
u Sources of Stress u Self-motivation
u Coping with Stress u Setting Smart Goals
u Stress Management Techniques u Self-regulation
u Ability to Work Independently
Self-management is the ability to control and regulate our emotions, thoughts and behaviour as per the situation.
Self-management is also known as self-control or self-regulation. It helps us in achieving pre-determined goals
by regulating our actions, organising our time and taking responsibility for our decisions.
Self-management can be defined as our ability to:
u manage our tasks and goals successfully. u deal with difference of opinion with others.
u function amicably with others. u learn new ideas sincerely.
u control feelings, emotions and activities. u handle ourselves and work towards reaching goal.
u tolerate unpleasant situations.
Types of Stress
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It is our body’s reaction
to a challenge or demand. It can come from any event or thought that Eustress Distress
makes us feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress means different things to (God Stress) (Bad Stress)
different people. To an executive, the challenge of meeting a deadline may
be equally stressful as to a singer performing at a live concert. To a driver
it can be the hassles of heavy traffic. To a student it can be the pressure of
doing well in the exams.
Stress can be either positive (Good) or negative (Bad).
u Positive Stress: Stress which results from exhilarating experiences, can be positive. A little stress is important
to keep us going. It gives a zing to life and the edge that rejuvenates us.
Just imagine you have received an unexpected promotion in office. Doesn’t your heart start beating faster?
Think of a student who was not expecting good marks in English but when the results were announced he
got the highest marks in the class. He smiles with flushed face and perspiration dripping down his body.
This is ‘eustress’ which is the stress of wining and achieving.
u Negative Stress: Mostly stress strikes us in negative way. It stems from the fear of losing, falling, overworking
or not being able to cope. In such a situation, we see stress as a destructive, debilitating force. It’s true of
negative stress because negative stress causes distress. Such stress affects us in a harmful manner.