Page 79 - Biology - XII
P. 79

2.  Cuscuta on Host
                   (i) Cuscuta commonly called dodder or amerbel and lives
                        as stem ectoparasite on other plants.                          Cuscuta       Branch of host plant
                  (ii) Cuscuta has no fully expanded form of leaves (scale like
                        leaves are present) and has no chlorophyll.
                  (iii)  Stem of Cuscuta is thin and slender shaped and it winds
                        around the stem of host plant. Stem of Cuscuta fi xes
                        itself to the stem of host plant with special structures
                        called haustoria.
                  (iv)  Haustoria  forms  direct  connection  to  the  vascular
                        bundles of the host and withdraws water, carbohydrates,     Fig. 14.2: Cuscuta on host plant
                        and other solutes.
                   (v)  Roots of Cuscuta are temporary and die as soon as it makes connection with the host plant.
                  (vi) Cuscuta can weaken or kill plant and reduce crop yield.

              3.   Lichens
                   (i)  Lichens  are  composite  organisms  representing  a  symbiotic  association  (mutualism)  between
                        fungus and algae.
                  (ii)  The algal component is known as phycobiont and fungal component is known as mycobiont.
                  (iii)  Algae prepare food for fungi and fungi provide shelter and absorb mineral, nutrients, and water
                        for its partner.
                  (iv)  They grow on lands, rocks, true trunks, and walls of houses like dry vegetation.

                                     (a)                                               (b)
                                                 Fig. 14.3:  Diff erent types of Lichens

                                                            VIVA VOCE

               Q1.  Mention the role of Haustoria.
              Ans.  It fi xes the plant on the host and also helps to absorb nutrients from the host.

               Q2.  What is the colour of Cuscuta living on the host plant?
              Ans.  It is golden yellow coloured.

               Q3.  How does the nitrogen fi xation help the leguminous plant?
              Ans.  It helps in growth and development.

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